
Since the dawn of man, there has always been love. Its all due to how you interpret the world around you, what entices your passion, the definition of love is whatever that brings you to the blissful state. The person, the moment, the feeling of being lost without love. Thus my very own production of love stories showing the existence of love, revealing in your own hearts

Love Game

---{ Prologue }---

Someone once said to me ; “ Love is like a game ”

Eventually it'll result in someone winning it or losing it, who will emerge victorious ? who will end up the one being hurt ?

At that time, I believed firmly to this saying,

But now I finally know ; “ Love is not a game ”

It also requires genuine & sincere feelings in it. who dare to say that the winner won't feel that hurt ? or the loser might be the eventual winner afterall ?

I does not spare a glance to love,
when people around me sunk into the abyss of love, boasting to me about their stories, I was unaffected.
I adhere to my free and unrestrained principle, & even ridiculed them for their so called love, & scoffed at them when they are suffering from love.

Even when I've attempted to love someone,
I always said that, “ I still believed that life as a single can be more splendid ! ”
I was so self-righteous of my own “ principle ”to the extent that even when love passes by me, I'll just end off with a sigh,
But I will never ever have regrets,

I told myself “ this is life, Love can only be observed from afar, it cannot profane plays ! ”
I won't ever pity myself from passing by a love that was meant to be.

I do not believe in love, but I do not repel love !
The mentality of always holding it as a game began with a section of new love, & ending it with a section of a tolerant romance when it is no longer fresh.

“ Love is like a game ”, I simply match up to this annotation perfectly.
Because, I always emerge overall winner of this game.

She asked me before,

“ you really treat our love as a game ?

I replied without hesistation “ yes ! ”

“ including the time with me ? ” she replied.

I nodded silently.

Her hopes turned into despair as she reply me in tears,

“ now .. I finally know .. from the beginning you've been deceiving me all this while .. I know the rules .. but I always thought I could change you, or rather love can change you .. but it seems I've over estimated myself afterall, I've lose in this game of love. I've lose it convincingly. ”

Ever since she has slowly vanished away from my sight. When she said that in front of me, I only have infinite sympathy for her silliness, for attempting to change the impossible.

But, now I finally know that in this game, I'm the one that has lose thoroughly.

I do not have the sincerity to love all this while, thus I won't understand the sweetness of love, eventually losing the chance of a happy memory.

After going through so much, I just want to say ;

“ Love is not a game ”

It is the portrayal of a happy life; Even if it was a game, there won't be any eventual winners or losers. Because the existence of love tells us regardless of the self satisfaction as a winner or the fustration & sadness of a loser doesn't meant that you've score a victory in this game.

Its only when you finally understand the true meaning of happiness. treasuring & cherishing it, only then it is called true love.


[ to be cont .. ]

Love Phobia

[ Chapter 22 - Finale ]

From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven.
And when two souls that are destined to be together find each other,
their streams of light flow together,
and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being.


Have you ever heard of the phrase, “love is blind?” Most people have. This must mean that it is a belief of many. Well, what does it mean when someone says, “love is blind?” If love is blind, one may argue to facilitate the meaning that love is eternal, regardless of one’s faults, their lies, and their affairs; that regardless of any negative outcome that love overlooks it. If love is blind it prevails all evil. However, everyone may not agree that, “love is blind.”

Another common phrase is that, “love hurts.” Why is it that love has acquired this unpleasant metaphor? Self-experience could be an answer to this question. Most people, at some time in their lives, have been hurt by someone that they love. Is this because they have done something wrong or is it simply human instinct? Humans are full of error and often decide it is easier to give up on love than struggle through the hard times. Therefore, does love hurt or do people hurt? Many would say it is people who hurt because they fail to pursue this love that they have claimed.

Many people turn to the dictionary when they are in need of a definition for a particular word. The Webster’s Dictionary defines love as, “an affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interest.” Most would agree that love definitely consists of all of these qualities. When one is looking for a mate, they strive to find someone who is, to some extent, like them. It is desired that this person is someone that can be looked up to, and someone who is kind and compassionate. But there is a love much deeper than this.

Dad used to say, “ love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. Many would argue that love is each and every one of these virtues. However, can a human be so perfect as to possess all of these traits? Rarely is someone so perfect, if ever. This is a love referred to as Agape love, a Godly love.

Love is blind; it hurts. Love is an admiration and love is patient and kind. Love is diverse and it is dynamic. Regardless of all of these, and more important than anything, love is what one believes it to be. No common metaphor or dictionary definition can describe what one’s feelings of love are. It is that person alone who has to discover what love truly means.

I paused writing on my diary.

" It is that person alone who has to discover what love truly means. "

I kept my eyes on this last sentence, the only sound around me was the flipping of the fan & my breathing. A row of recollections sneaked its way silently into my mind, memories of how it all begun slowly evolving into how it all ended. I came to realise at how the montagues & capulets took nearly 5 acts to see the agape love between Romeo & Juliet, & to end their family feud. Looking back at myself, how many chapters of love phobia I've went through to finally overcome it & realise that I'm the only one that can discover what it really means & not through some love stories or songs.

" Alright class ... home room period !! " Miss Tan came in abruptly into the classroom interrupting my thoughts.

" First on the list ... I got a news .. Reagan has switched to another class .. meaning he won't be with us in this class anymore .. which explains why you all are not seeing him now .. ar .. "

It came as a thundering news to me. I didn't expected such heart wrenching news to come when I've thought its all over, does it signify the fatum between us is finally gone?

Joanne gave me a bewildered look, before finally raising up her hands to clear everyone doubts.

" Why ? Miss Tan ? " Joanne asked.

" Well .. I think it was due to some internal swap, & the school admin making a mistake with the arrangement from the start, meaning from the start, he wasn't meant to be in this class .. hmm .. well .. a pity I've lose out a good student of mine .. hmm .. but well everyone lets buck up .. !! its ain't over .. & you guys can catch up with him during breaks & after school right .. hee ... alright lets get started !! " Miss Tan replied.

Just when I've so much to asked him, he got to leave me. It seems so ironic, just like back then when he has his doubts, I choose to leave & escape from him. It somehow marks the start of this dreadful history that is going to repeat itself again. Will it end here just like back then ?


I received this thundering news upon coming to school. I was informed by Miss Tan that I'll be switching to another class. It came too abruptly. I didn't even have the time to digest it, & before long I'm sitting in my new classroom. It was situated at the new block, meaning the chances of dropping by to see her is minimised to a near zero percent, as her building is at the old block, & the break times are somehow different, not to mention the timetable & lecture groups will be entirely different.

That strong feeling for her within me seems to have shaken. All long that fatum within us gave me endless courage to have faith that someday it'll go back to just like how it all begun between me & her. But now my faith started to hesistate. Maybe Juliet doesn't want to face me afterall. It seems like we're like two boats in a narrow channel that can only fit in the width of one boat. Her boat is sailing towards the eastern direction, whereas mine is slowly altering course towards the western direction. If these two boats continue to persist in sailing the same direction, there might be a probability that a collision will coccur in this narrow channel.

" Argh !!! ~ what stupid theory I'm thinking of ... " I thought to myself

I started to shake my head to get rid all of these unwanted thoughts,

" As long as my faith stays within me .. I'll succeed ! " I told myself.

It also strengthen my decision to go create a miracle between me & her once again.


Nine months have passed. O level results were collected. Joanne & me have decided to stay on at VJC to do our A levels. Afterall it was a school that once shared so much memories of the past & now. I've heard from fellow schoolmates that Reagan has remained in VJC too. Nothing much has changed other than the fact being that Reagan seem to have disappear from my life for this past nine months. He never approaches me, neither did I. We have met on several occasions during school events, but it was just a mere hi & bye between us. I can always sense from his eyes that he has something to tell me, but nevertheless he gave up, & just went away. As much as I've that eager to see him & clear our doubts, my courage gave way too.

That magical fatum seems to have lose its presence between us. I was confused myself too. I often wondered is fatum telling me to move on ...

" Juliet dear ... you heard the latest news ? ! ? " Joanne ran to me speaking in a excited tone.

" huh ? whats the hot topic .. miss gossip .. tee-hee ... "

" remember our arts union president Davin ? there have been rumours going around that he is intending to chase you !!! hahaha "

" huh ? " I gave Joanne a blurry look.

" Aiyo .. don't act la .. during the last orientation back then, can already see that he is so concerned about you, helped you block the water bomb attacks & stuff. . huhrur .. don't shy ..haahaa ~ "

" aww .. come on .. Joanne .. that doesn't mean anything .. & you know that I'm still ......... "

" waiting for reagan ? " Joanne completed my sentence before I could continue on.

I gave an convincing look to Joanne.

" not exactly waiting for him .. maybe just an answer ... a long awaited answer ....."

" Juliet dear .. it pains me to see you in such state .. why don't you move on ... afterall you & Reagan seem to have no sparks left, all the fate that once linked you both together is all gone isn't it .. since the day he switched class ... hmmm .. hai .. "

" Joanne dearie .. I really don't know .. something in my heart seems to be telling me not to give up for miracle will happen once again ... "

" Hmm ... sigh .. in that case I leave Davin for myself then ... " Joanne jokingly said.

" hahahahah .. uh-uh ~ & look who's talking .. you seem to be more interested in that Davin not me ... okays .. tsk tsk .. huhrur "

" bleah ..... I'm just doing you a favour so your Reagan won't be misunderstand about you & Davin okays . tra-lalalal ~ haas ~ "

Joanne spat out her tongue at me before running off again.


" Phew .. I finally found it after all these months !!! " I wiped my sweat off my forehead & tally the image I'm seeing with the photo I'm holding onto now.

I immediately started to create this long awaited miracle.

As the sun begins to set down, I sat down admiring my master piece. This faith towards Juliet shall start to work its wonders once again. I dropped the photo consisting of my ah pa, ah ma & uncle Roy under the huge tree in VJ from my hand & just lie down under the tree.

" where it all begins, it shall all end "


I strolled around the shopping mall aimlessly. Joanne was supposed to meet me, but she was held up by her CCA.

I was browsing through the rows of shop when a lighting on a shop suddenly blinded me.

" One-Stop Love Service Center "

" didn't I came here with Joanne many months back ago ? " My memory slowly trace back to the incident we have here with that greek accented fortune teller.

I entered into the shop unknowingly & before long I was greeted by the same greek accented guy again.

" hoho .. my young lady .. how can I help you ? "

" eh .. hmmm .. " I looked around the shop helplessly not knowing what should I do.

" hoho .. you here to find our shop mr CUTE guy .. hohoho girls around your age does that often .. haaaaa ~ "

" huh ? mr CUTE guy ? eh .. I think you got the wrong idea .. I just happen to passby & step in ... you remember me ? many months back I came with a girl to let you calculate our love fortune ?"

Pahim paused for a while, tracing back his memory.

" EUREKA ! you're that Juliet right ? "

" yes yes ... you remembered me .. tee-hee " I smiled back.

" hoho ... well you see I don't usually does fortune telling for customers, I only do it when I've have that urge .. so I usually remember .. hoho "

" uh ~ cool .. " I smiled back again.

" so you're here for fortune telling again ? Hmm .. you know its really a coincidence that I've that urge in me now .. hohoho "

" huh ? " I gave a blur look to Pahim.

" Come lets sit down .. & we shall get started .... "

I somehow came unprepared for all these. I don't even know what makes me step into this shop again & let this jovial fellow calculate my love life again.

" Ar .. I finally see your future this time round ... hoho ~ " Pahim begins as he gave me a assuring smile.

" The fear of love shall finally pays off, as the magical fatum starts to work again .. all the answers slowly unrevealed once again in the eye of cupid, ..The happiness and sorrows that you felt across these chapters of love, you've fell, you've cried & you've learned. Where it all begins, it shall all end ... "

Pahim closed his books, & smiled.

" where it all begins, it shall all end ... " I muttered at his last words.

Somehow I was enlightened by his words. A strong feeling within me is telling me to go search for this beginning now. My intuition tells me that I know where this beginning is all along, I shall followed the asnwers in my heart. Before long, I dashed out of the shop searching for this beginnning.

" Ring !!! " My phone started ringing.

" hello ... Joanne dearie .. I'm in a rush now to search for something, get back to you later okays ? "

" wait ... Juliet dear ... I'm sorry ... Reagan passed me a letter earlier on & asked me to passed it to you .. but I ..... lose it .. I just can't seem to find it now ... hello you there ? Juliet dear ? "

" oh .. gosh phone ran out of battery .. just now Joanne was mentioning about what letter from Reagan ? tsk .. no time for that now .. " Juliet ran off without clearing her doubts.



where it all begins, it shall all end ...

With Love,

I slowly insert the photo consisting of my ah pa, ah ma & uncle Roy taken under the huge tree in VJ together with the letter into the envelope. I've taken months to find this present huge tree in VJ. My ah pa told me that it was called the tree of love in those days back then. It bear the remembrance of love between uncle Roy & ah ma back then. The school gardener told me that this huge tree undergo some big revamp few years back, most of its tree branches were cut off, thus I got a hard time searching for it. The tree trunk remains with all its memories carved onto it.

When I first found it, I was elated. It was the start to all beginning.

I slowly carved the wordings on the tree trunk,

where it all begins, it shall all end ...

with the R & J carving that was found on the primary school table & also on "the tale of the star-crossed lover" back then. I took months to practise this piece of exquisite work, the R & J with the heart shape surrounding it.


I was taking bus 284 en route back to the primary school where it all begins for me & Reagan. I managed to find my spare handphone battery & reconnect it back to my phone.

" Joanne was mentioning to me about Reagan & a letter to me ? could it be ... ? " I mumbled to myself.

I immediately called back Joanne.

" Juliet dear .. I've found the letter !!!! the tree !!! sorry ... for opening it without your permission, but I could see the urgency in Reagan's eye & thought it was something important .. & I can't find you .. so I opened it .. but anyway thats not the point .... the content of the letter was written where it all begins, it shall all end, & then there was a old photo taken under this huge tree in VJ with your dad & two other person inside. I went to the tree & found a carving by Reagan to you, he once again carved where it all begins, it shall all end ...on the tree trunk, o... ya with a special carving beside it ... some R & J letterings with a heart shape surrounding it ... you heard me ... hello .... "

I turned speechless upon hearing Joanne words.

" hello ... Juliet dear .. u heard me ? "

I hung up the phone, more determined than ever to search for the beginning. I was telling myself that my intuition is right, it is bringing me to where it all started.


I sat down at the classroom, staring at the air blankly. The sudden influx of silence stabbed into me, causing me to jerk a little. I looked at my watch, 20th February 7:00pm. I was wondering will she appear ? did she see my letter ? I slowly let my memories take over me, letting them fill in the emotions that have been shrouding me for the last nine months. I shut my eyes closed, drifting off to my emotional thoughts.

Everything seems so empty. For the last nine months, every single movement seems empty. Even in a crowd of people, I feel lonely. I feel like you're the only one in the world that can wipe out this loneliness in me. Every seconds, I think of ways to make you smile, I imagine where you are, & every second, you're like a part of me, & I see you more than I see myself because the moment I closed my eyes, your image stands in front of me.

Tears have, amorously found their way out of my closed eyes. Is this how true love feels? A combination of sadness & happiness, with one second of happiness overpowering all these years of sadness without you.

" Clog Clog ... " I heard footsteps coming towards the direction of the classroom.

I wanted to open my eyes straight at that moment, but I was fearful of disappointment yet again. That suspense filled within me forced me to keep my eyes shut, until I finally heard the classroom door opened, & then the sound of someone breathing heavily.

I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the light, slowly seeing a image presented in front of me.

That few seconds paused as if a few generations have passed as we both see each other in the eyes.

" Hi everyone, my name is ... J U L I E T , you guys know Romeo & Juliet ?? well my name is same as that Juliet .. " she suddenly shouted.

My eyes brighten up instantly. I returned a smile back.

"You, Ask me a question !" Juliet pointed at me.

" s-oo-so-so you got a boyfriend named Romeo ? " I replied.

She gave me a smile back instantly, saying

" nahz.. so u wanna be my Romeo ? "

where it all begins, it shall all end ..


Love comforteth like sunshine after rain.
William Shakespeare

Love Phobia

[ Chapter 21 ]

Love is patient,
love is kind.

It does not envy,
it does not boast,

it is not proud,
it is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,

For it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth,

It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes
always perseveres.


Upon reaching back, I went to confront my mum.

" Missy .. your mum is busy with her work right now .. you shan't disturb her " Her personal assisstant trying to stop me.

I just shun away from her grab, & barged into the study room without any notice. Upon entering, I just gave a cold glare towards her.

" Its ok .. you can leave the both of us here .. " Carrie spoke to her personal assisstant.

" Why ... Why .. Why !!!! Doesn't your conscience prick you one bit at all ... how I wished I never existed at all, afterall I'm just a product of your hatred & revenge towards dad ... There was no love between you both, I shouldn't have existed ... you broke a love that was meant to be, how could you be so cruel ! "

I broke out in tears.

Carrie just stared at me with her cold eyes.

" Dad wasn't a murderer at all ... he was just a poor soul being controlled by the evil clutches of yours !!!! " I shouted at her.

" tsk .. so I've became a devil ? hahahaha ~ what a joke !!! " Carrie laughed hysterically.

" Stop laughing !!! you've destroyed dad's life & now you've destroyed mine ... "

" That was just his retribution !!! He bring all these upon himself !!! If I'm being labelled as a devil, it was all because of him !!! Who was there for me when he hurt me so deeply .. !! NO ONE !!! SIMPLY NO ONE !!! I'm just being true to my own feelings .. whats wrong with that !!! Everyone may think that I'm doing all these for revenge & hatred but why no one think that I'm doing all these for love ? " Carrie could no longer control her tears as it slowly flowed out.

" you're in no position to mention love when you don't even know what is it ... " I screamed at her ...

" tsk ... hahahahaha & what makes you think that you know love .... ? A love like Roy & Josie or the love between you & Reagan ... that is love ? tsk tsk ... & look what happen ... it all ends so pathetically !!!! ~ If love is that strong, I can do thousand & one things to sabotage all of your relationship & it will still work out, but well you all prove me wrong ~ the so called everlasting love is just a joke ... a joke that involves all of you & now you all are suffering .. hahahahah "

" you yourself is just a victim of this joke too ... you're hurt by it too ... " My teary eyes softening that glare in her eyes.

" No .. thats not true ! can't be true .. you must be lying ... I can't possibly lose to anyone .. not to you Josie, not to you Roy .. I'm not losing .... " Carrie seem to have lost her state of mind, as flashes of memories came back to haunt her, making her seemingly confused.

" .. you've never win from the start ... because you've already lose yourself from the beginning .. you never lose to aunt Josie from the start, you just lose to the love between dad & aunt Josie .... you've gain nothing but just hatred & revenge ... " I said my last piece before running out of the study room.

I just couldn't bear the sight of seeing my mum in her lost state of mind. All my hatred towards her seem to have disperse by its own all of a sudden. She was just a victim of love phobia too, just like me back then, just like dad ... it just so happens that instead of avoiding it, she choose to face it in her own way, which causes all the hatred & revenge. I used to remember dad saying;

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Everything seems to have fall in place all of a sudden. The light finally revealed itself after all these years of darkness. Thinking back of it, the misunderstanding back then that cause me to leave Reagan, & the mysterious force within that surround me & Reagan all this while, our fate was never once lost, & finally to meeting him once again, it was like all planned out. It was as if I'm watching a drama of my own, or rather I'm acting out this drama myself.

Somehow I'm very lost at this moment. Though the truth has fell in place, I do not know what to expect, nor what to do in the future. I've lots of question marks in my mind now, & all these question marks seems to be pointing to the one & only guy who can answer my doubts now ... my Romeo, Reagan ...


"the tale of the pair of star crossed lovers - Romeo & Juliet"

I held the book in my hand & pondered.

This was the book of beginning. It not only shared the love story of Romeo & Juliet but it also shared the love story behind my ma & Juliet's dad. & now the book is using its magic to pen down the story of me & Juliet. It was the link of fate in this book that brought me & Juliet together since the beginning, & now it has became a link of destiny.

"Your journey of seeking love starts the very moment you felt the tingling feeling in your heart. The happiness and sorrows that you felt across every chapter of love.

You fell, You cried and You learned. For love is something that has no beginning and no end.

Your love for her grow stronger each day as you get to know her more. You let her behaved at her most wildly side in front of you. You allow her to do whatever she wants to you. You've change whatever she dislikes, your habits, your behavior, your work attitude and sometimes yourself.

You try to make her happy everyday despite whatever problems that stirred within you.

Is all this love?

You can't speak clearly of yourself at that moment of time ...

You only know that it hurts real bad when you see her cry and your heart is contented when you see her cheerfully smiling at me.

There are only the undying three words that we tell each day. Those three simple words of simple truth and vast meaning.

‘I Love You’

S'Agapo. ..

As your feelings has finally reveal themselves in front of love, your destiny awaits you ... for you shall be the key to conquer the phobia .. It shall starts from the tale of star-crossed lovers to the tale of S'Agapo."

All of a sudden, Pahim's words struck me once again. At that point of time, I seem to be listless about what he was trying to say, but after all that has happened, his words seem much clearer now. As my feelings finally reveal themselves, my destiny awaits me for I shall be the key to conquer her love phobia, & it shall start from the simple three words, " I love you" ... All my answers seem to be pointing to the one & only girl now, ... my Juliet .

[ To be Cont - Chapter 22 Ending !!~ ]

I Love thee, I love but thee. With a love that shall not die. Till the sun grows cold, and the stars grow old.

William Shakespeare

Love Phobia

[ Chapter 20 ]

Holding on is tough
much tougher than letting go,
or simply quitting.


Carrie has been pampered since young. All her life, she has never tasted failure, until Roy rejected her. It came as a huge blow to her. She felt her genuine feelings were not reciprocated, & even came as a disgrace to her. Another blow came to her when she found that the reason for rejection was the existence of Josie. She cannot accept the fact losing to another peer of her own age. She was brought up with all the people around telling her that she is the best regardless of academic, sports & even appearance, & yet she just lose to someone who can't even defend for her ownself, much less to compete with her. She swore for revenge towards them.

" Dave .. you liked Josie since the start right ? " Carrie spoke in her usual haughty manner.

" huh ? mmm .. where you hear this nonsense from ? Roy & Josie have always been my besties, moreover they are together now, don't you anyhow create rumours okay ? "

" tsk .. don't deny it ! The 2 lovey doveys may be too blind too see your affections, but not me .. "

" so what if Iliked her... they are together now & I'm happy for them ~ " Dave rebuked back.

" tsk .. you sure you're happy ? ask deep down in your heart ... " Carrie replied.

Dave hesistated with his reply,

" mmm .. yes I am !!! " Dave attempt to strengthen his tone towards her.

" you sure ? whats with the hesistation then ? " Carrie snorted at Dave.

" mmm .. Carrie .. I knew Roy rejected you previously .. don't you attempt to take revenge by trying to break our friendship bond ? " Dave stuttered.

" tsk .. how pathetic !! so you can't win over the unhappiness deep down in your heart, & now attempting to challenge me .. "

" thats not true !!! "

" tsk .. so much for being true then ... if your friendship bond with them were that true, they wouldn't have hide the fact from you that they are officially together, & you need to know it through me .. Dave ... you seriously are pathetic ~ !!! At least I dare to answer to my heart, I don't deny that I'm plotting a revenge against them, I felt hurt for Roy's rejection .. I can't accept the lose .. but how about you ??? Trying to disguise yourself as some saint here, wishing them blissfulness forever, when you don't even have the courage to face them, & you know deep down in your heart, thats not the answer you want !!! "

" n.... o .. no ~ !! thats .... ! " Dave attempting to defend himself, but Carrie has attacked on his weakness point to the extent of leaving him vulnerable.

" TRUE !!! ask your heart ... ~ " Carrie finished off the sentence for Dave before he could even attempt to defend himself.

Dave was speechless.

" Don't you find its unfair for the both of us .. !! We put in so much genuine feelings towards them, & this is what we got back ... tsk !! Now if you ever have a chance to get back what we deserved, will you do it ? "

" get back what we deserved ? ! ? " Dave mumbled to himself

" Yes ... you together with Josie ? does it sounds appealing ? " Carrie gave an evil grin

" together with Josie ? is it possible ? "

" Why not ... with my help ... nothing seems impossible .. but of course you got to go with the plot that I've planned ... " Carrie smiled to him

& Dave found himself sinking into the depth of abyss, seeking towards the path of no returns. Despite knowing that he is bound to have regrets years later, but that moment of folly just changes everything. Carrie & Dave started to plant traps within Roy & Josie relationship which lead to lots of misunderstandings between the both. Never did they know that the person who masterminded all these was their bestie Dave.


For the next few months, rumours have been spreading that Roy was two-timing Josie & Carrie. Despite how Roy was adamant about his stand with Carrie, she never stopped her surging attacks on him, often giving others the wrong impression that they both are together. What makes it worse was Roy didn't make clear his stand to the others, as he feared of embarassing Carrie in the process & hurt her deeply. In the process, Dave appeared as a buddy to Roy, & assured him that he will explain everything clearly to Josie, but in actual fact he was hastening the process of making Josie lost her trust towards Roy. The final blow finally came during Carrie's birthday party. On the pretext of her birthday party, Carrie has actually hatched an evil plot in mind.

" Come on ... Roy .. drink more !!! " Carrie forcefully pour more drink into his cup.

" No .. Carrie .. thats enough !! My intention in coming tonight is to make clear to you ... we can't let this keep going on, Josie is starting to lose her faith in me .. "

" awww ~ if your relationship is that strong, she shouldn't have lose her faith in you, its my birthday !! Don't mention all these wishy washy matters !! Drink !!! "

" But ... "

Before Roy could continue on, Carrie forcefully made him drink another cup.

After the numerous gulp down of wine, the alcoholic content started to take effect on Roy, & before long he was drunk, collapsing on the floor.


" Dave, any idea where Roy went last night ? he never reply my calls all night & didn't went home at all ... " Josie gave an worried look to Dave.

" I only heard him mentioning about some party Carrie was holding, & he was bent on going no matter how I stopped him, afterall I guess he won't want any more misunderstandings .. tsk " Dave replied.

Josie went silent upon hearing Dave reply.

" you meant he never went home last night ? Could something have happened to him ? Shall we go Carrie's house to check out ? "

Josie was hesistant, but worrying that some accident could have happened to Roy, reluctanly agreed to Dave's idea.

Along the way, Josie was struggling internally within her heart. One side of her insisted that she must have her faith & trust towards Roy, yet she was fearful that her faith & trust would turned into despair & mistrust.

Upon coming to Carrie house, both Dave & Josie were greeted by a half awakened Carrie.

" Carrie, did Roy came to your house last night ? " Dave eagerly asked.

" uh-uh I believe so .. hee we have lots of fun last night ... he is still in my bedroom now, tee-hee ... " Carrie replied sluttily, adjusting her clothing in the process, trying to give the both of them a wrong impression that something did happen last night.

Josie's worst fears came true. Upon hearing the reply from Carrie, her heart sunk. She immediately ran out of Carrie house in tears. Dave ran after her in mind that Carrie's evil plot has successfully fell in place.

" Carrie .. I gotta leave " Roy came down clumsily to the door steps, still recovering from his hang over last night.

" O ~ okay .. by the way, Dave & Josie came to find you earlier on, maybe you can still catch up with them .. hee " Carrie gave an evil smile to Roy.

" did you say JOSIE ? " Roy instantly awoke to his senses.

" uh-uh `~ ! " Carrie gave an expressionless reply.

Roy immediately dashed out of the house chasing towards the direction of Josie.

It wasn't long before Roy managed to catch up with Josie & Dave. Upon seeing Roy, Dave gave a heavy punch to Roy.

" How could you do this to Josie !! you ... Jerk !!! " Dave shouted angrily at Roy.

" what did I do ? " Roy retaliated back ..

" Still trying to deny .... after a night of fun ... I told you not to go last night .. didn't I .. tsk .. "

" I merely went there last night to state clear my intentions to Carrie, & asked her to stop all those misunderstandings she is creating .. "

" if that is so, why did you spent the night at her .... house ? "

" I really went with that intention in mind, but it was Carrie birthday, as I didn't want to disappoint her, I drank abit & was drunk after that, we did nothing !! "

" ENOUGH ~ !!!! so now you expect me to believe that you did nothing after you were drunk ... impossible ~ !! Roy .. all is over ~ !!! over .. all over between the both of us ~ !!! " Josie shouted at Roy as she ran away.

" Noooo ~ Josie .. why can't you believe me ? Nothing really happened ... " Roy shouted attempting to chase after her.

" Stop where you're .. Stop following her !!! You've already hurt her badly .. " Dave gave a cold glare to Roy before running towards Josie.

Ever since that incident, Josie never talked to Roy again. Even after the whole misunderstanding was cleared, Roy couldn't plucked up his courage to approach Josie again. The damage has been done in both their hearts.As times goes, Dave's affections for Josie finally paid off when she agreed to his proposal. Likewise, Roy finally accepted Carrie. They each believed that they no longer have that faith in one another again, the crackline will always be there, but never did they know that the love for one another still exists, it was only just screened by the love phobia within them.


" Carrie & my plans went perfectly well, we won ... but seriously have we won ? " Dave heave a sigh.

Both Reagan & Juliet were left dumb founded after hearing such a enticing story that never once ran through their thoughts that such a thing would happen.

" Well , I guess there's Karma, what goes around turns around, when Reagan was at the age of eight, Josie finally came to know of the truth that happened years ago, those evil plots hatched to break the relationship beteween her & Roy. We have a heated arguement over this matter, & Josie in a fit of anger went out of the house & never returned again. She was killed in a car accident. It was reported that she was not in a clear state of mind, walking aimlessly across the road. the road. A car tried to avoid her, but it was all too late, as the car swerved to hit a nearby tree, & hitting Josie in the process, letting the driver & Josie came to a instant death. "

" which explains why Ben hated you all these years ... " Reagan spoke with a soft tone.

Dave nodded.

" I indirectly caused your mum's death. If not for my sturboness, your mum wouldn't have left ..... " Dave broke into tears.

Juliet was confused. All along she thought that her dad was the murderer of Reagan's mum.

" How did things turn out to be this manner ? " Juliet mumbled to herself.

" Why did Dad admitted to killing Reagan's mum back then ? WHY WHY WHY ??? " Juliet thoughts ran wild as she dashed out of the house.

" Juliet ~ !!!! " Reagan shouted at her direction.

Reagan himself was confused at this point of time too. It was too much for him to accept all this fact. As much as he wanted to hate his dad for all these, he just couldn't pluck up that courage to do so. It was hurtful for him, but deep down he knew it was more hurtful for his father. All these years, he has always sense his dad undying love to his mum. All the wrong-doings he has done was just a act of his foolishness to earn that love from his mum.

" Reagan ...

Holding on is tough
much tougher than letting go,
or simply quitting.


Dave ended off with this phrase lingering in Reagan's thoughts as the truth slowly fell in place.

[ To be cont.. ]

Such is my love, to thee I so belong,
That for thy right myself will bear all wrong.
William Shakespeare